Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Exquisite Corpse

In art school some professors used the game exquisite corpse as an ice breaker on the first day of classes.  The basic concept of this game involves participants of a group working on a collective piece without knowing what the other members of the group have contributed to the work.  Confusing to explain (though this website does a better job than I and they have a wonderful slideshow of examples), dreadfully easy to do.  The drawings that we as students created for these exercises were rarely very good, but were good for a laugh.  

I saw an installation from the Beijing Design Week featured on Design Boom last week that blew me away.  Not because the work was phenomenal (most of it was very good) but because the entire installation was an adaptation of an exquisite corpse.  Two-dozen individuals took part in telling the story of a day in the life of a fictional man named Ernesto Bones.  Each participant created work to tell the story of one hour from Mr. Bones's day.  Exquisite corpse may have provided for me moments of fun but this form of collaboration made for one of the most interesting exhibitions I've read about all year. 

More pictures of the other collaborators' works at the link below.

'2 pm to 3 pm' by david tanguy, graphic designer, london from designboom


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