Friday, April 26, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Our House

Grace and I have loved the apartment that we moved into after college.  We had planned to stay there until we bought a house.  We just painted the nursery.  We started baby proofing.  We had thoroughly painted and decorated the entire house.  And then our landlords asked us to move out so they could put offices in for their Korean Evangelical church...  Damn you month-to-month lease!

So move we must.  Luckily we found vacancy close by.  Our next door neighbors are moving to Denver and we simply need to carry all of our belongings 30 ft across the side yard to our new residence.

Plus, We are moving up (no James Brown or Jefferson's references please).  When faced with the stress of uprooting our lives and moving 4 1/2 months before our baby is due we repeat this mantra, "Central Air, Dishwasher."  Still you will always remember your first.  Good-bye old house!  You will be missed.


Central Air.. Dishwasher..

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Bun is in..

After months of hibernation Grace and I shook our sleepy heads at the spring sun and air.  No, we are not bears (as much as I wish), rather we are pregnant.  Well, mostly Grace but I like to take some credit for it too.  You always hear expectant mothers complain of extreme fatigue through the first trimester but boy is it true.  We had a nice routine down though.  We would come home from work, Grace would go to bed.  I would make dinner and wake her up to eat, Grace would then go back to bed.  Wake, work, repeat..

We are well into second trimester territory though and she is vaguely human again.  More than that I think I saw her sweeping the floor yesterday.

Wife- Thank you growing our child inside of your body.  Women, they are just cooler than men.
