This week it is ICE! But not just any ice. As a great imbiber of mixed adult beverages I have had some experience with different molds and trays for ice. I love my Perfect Cube silicon tray but I must say that my favorite is a spherical mold made by Muji.
These smooth spheres of ice will not only look amazing in your next Gin and Tonic -or- Whiskey but they are actually better prepared than their 6-sided counterparts to more efficiently cool your beverage. Reason being, A sphere has the least amount of surface area compared to its inner volume of any geometric shape. So you can sip on your tipple knowing that you’re not drinking a watered down libation. I got these for Christmas from my mother-in-law, by suggestion of Grace. I love the simple, efficient Japanese design and the elegance of a sphere dancing happily in my beverages.
$11.75 /mold
Stay Cool